UK Health Centre
Gastric sleeve

Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, is a popular and effective bariatric procedure designed to help individuals achieve significant weight loss. This minimally invasive surgery reduces the size of the stomach, leading to reduced food intake and long-term weight management.

What is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Gastric sleeve surgery involves the removal of a large portion of the stomach, leaving a narrow, tube-like sleeve. This new, smaller stomach can hold less food, helping patients feel full more quickly and reducing overall calorie intake.

Benefits of Gastric Sleeve Surgery

1. Significant Weight Loss: Patients typically lose 50-70% of their excess weight within the first 1-2 years after surgery.

2. Improved Health: Many obesity-related health conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and sleep apnea, may improve or resolve after surgery.

3. Enhanced Quality of Life: Achieving a healthier weight can lead to increased mobility, higher energy levels, and improved mental well-being.

4. Minimally Invasive: The procedure is usually performed laparoscopically, resulting in smaller incisions, less pain, and quicker recovery times.

How the Procedure Works

1. Anesthesia: The surgery is performed under general anesthesia.

2. Laparoscopic Surgery: Small incisions are made in the abdomen, and a laparoscope (a small camera) is used to guide the surgery.

3. Stomach Reduction: Approximately 75-80% of the stomach is removed, creating a sleeve-like structure.

4. Stapling: The remaining portion of the stomach is stapled closed, forming the new stomach sleeve.

5. Recovery: Patients typically stay in the hospital for 1-2 days and can return to normal activities within 2-4 weeks.

Who is a Candidate?

Ideal candidates for gastric sleeve surgery include:

- Individuals with a BMI of 40 or higher.

- Those with a BMI of 35-39.9 who have obesity-related health conditions.

- Patients who have not had success with other weight loss methods, such as diet, exercise, and medication.

Preparing for Surgery

1. Medical Evaluation: Comprehensive medical assessments, including blood tests and imaging studies, to ensure you are a good candidate for the surgery.

2. Nutritional Counseling: Guidance on pre-surgery and post-surgery diets to prepare your body for the procedure and aid in recovery.

3. Lifestyle Changes: Adopting healthier habits, such as quitting smoking and reducing alcohol intake, to improve surgical outcomes.

Post-Surgery Care

1. Dietary Changes: A phased diet plan, starting with liquids and gradually progressing to solid foods, to support your healing and weight loss.

2. Exercise: Incorporating regular physical activity to enhance weight loss and overall health.

3. Follow-Up Visits: Regular check-ups with Dr. Islam to monitor your progress, adjust your care plan, and provide ongoing support.

4. Support Groups: Access to support groups and counseling to help you navigate the emotional and psychological aspects of weight loss surgery.

Risks and Considerations

As with any surgery, gastric sleeve surgery carries some risks, including:

- Infection

- Leakage

- Bleeding

- Blood Clots

- Nutritional Deficiencies

Dr. Islam will thoroughly discuss these risks with you and take all necessary precautions to minimize them.

Success Stories

Read testimonials from our patients who have transformed their lives with gastric sleeve surgery. Their stories of weight loss and improved health can inspire and motivate you on your journey.

Take the first step towards a healthier, happier life with gastric sleeve surgery. Dr. Islam and his dedicated team are here to support you every step of the way.